Liebster Award


Today is a good day, and you know why? I have internet access once again, which means I can blog after a weekend of silence! Plus, I did not fail my calculus exam, which always brightens my day. Plus, I get to write this super awesome post, because the super awesome Azia @ The Uncharted World nominated me for the Liebster Award! Make sure you go and say hi to Azia, she’s got an amazing blog!

I would also like to quickly thank you all, because not too long ago I passed over 400 followers! I feel like I was just thanking you all for 300, and it’s insane to me that I’ve grown so quickly recently. So, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I love interacting with you all, and I hope to meet more bloggers soon.


  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you
  • Nominate up to 11 bloggers that you think are deserving of the award
  • Give them 11 questions of your own


If you and your best friend were being chased by a monster, would you trip your friend to survive?

Real talk, of course I want to say yes, because I love all my friends. However, if we’re talking full on zombie apocalypse “end of the world” kind of situation here… you never know.

Which is your favorite season?

It’s always been Autumn, and it shall always be so. Needless to say, I am a happy little blogger as it’s currently Autumn right now!

To be alone on Valentine’s Day or to be alone on Christmas. Which is worse?

As single and proud for the last 17 Valentine’s Days, I have to pick Christmas. You don’t even have to be in a relationship to enjoy Christmas, but it would be so sad to spend it completely alone. I’m perfectly content with eating chocolate and binge watching Netflix on my own for Valentine’s Day.

Do you order your books online or do you go to the bookstore?

I like going to the bookstore and looking at all the pretty books, but they never seem to have to book I’m looking for in stock. Whether it’s a sequel or a new release, it is simply never there. So definitely ordering online, because they’re typically discounted online as well.

What is your favorite type of music?

Romantic era classical music, I’m particularly fond of Britten, Debussy, Saint Saens, Poulenc, and Schumann.

How do you feel about the new zodiac?

As a Taurus, I was initially really close to the cut off date (I’m May 19th, and the cut off used to be the 20th), so the new zodiac doesn’t affect me. I’m not into astrology that much, as I find horoscopes a bit pointless. However, I do enjoy the science behind the zodiac.

Which is your favorite poem?

Unfortunately, I don’t read much poetry so I can’t really answer this question. So, if you have any good recommendations, let me know!

Are there any movies that you believe are better than the books?

Love, Rosie is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I’ve heard it’s better than the book, although I’ve never actually read it. I think I would also say Mockingjay Part 1, because I remember Mockingjay the book boring the heck out of me, although I need to reread those books.

What’s on your Netflix list right now?

Right now, my continue watching is Leap Year (since I just watched it a few hours ago), Chopped Collection, The Paradise, Gilmore Girls, Grey’s Anatomy, and Star Trek the Original Series.

Have you been to the opera or to a musical?

I have not been to an opera performance, but I have been to the symphony many times (band geek alert!), which is in a similar boat to that. As a member of the pit orchestra at my high school, I’ve seen loads of high school musicals. Although, I’m going to be seeing Aladdin on Broadway in New York this spring!

If you had the choice between a seven day Caribbean cruise or a trip to Disney Land, which would you choose?

Oooh! Definitely a seven day Caribbean cruise! I’ve done Disneyland before, and as much as I love dole whip and Tower of Terror, I’m always down for trying something new. Plus, traveling all around the world is definitely on my bucket list.


  1. Kate @ The Nerdy Novelty
  2. Jocelyn @ 52 Letters in the Alphabet
  3. Arkon and Annie @ Arkon and Annie
  4. Calliope @ Calliope the Book Goddess
  5. Joey @ Thoughts and Afterthoughts
  6. Lola @ Hit or Miss Books


  1. You’re going to Hogwarts, and if you couldn’t bring an owl, would you rather bring a cat, toad, or a rat?
  2. Favorite classic Halloween movie?
  3. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
  4. If you were to write a fairy tale retelling book, which fairy tale would you choose to rewrite?
  5. Biggest bookish pet peeve?
  6. How far do you think you’d make it in the Hunger Games, and what would be your strategy to survive?
  7. Who’s one of your favorite book characters of all time?
  8. Tell me your most inspirational book quote (or your favorite).
  9. Would you rather have honey covered pretzels or chocolate covered pretzels?
  10. What’s your least favorite subject you ever took/are taking at school?
  11. Why do you love to blog?

6 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Congrats on 400+ followers! Hope you continue to grow 😀 And I love all your answers. Autumn is definitely my favorite season, too. I have the same exact problem with bookstores. The B&N near me is hopeless. They NEVER have the book I want so I always go to Amazon. I love how your favorite music is classical. I love classical, too, but mostly when I’m studying or when I’m in an artistic mood lol. For poems, I recommend Annabel Lee. It’s my favorite poem of all time! It’s long but beautiful. You might like it if you’re an Edgar Allen Poe fan, too! So excited that you get to see Aladdin next Spring! That should be so cool! Awesome post. Thanks for participating 😀

    Liked by 1 person


    Thank you so much for nominating us for an award. This is amazing. Our first one. So cool, we’re going to get right on answering your questions and choosing people to nominate. Oh! We’re so excited

    Liked by 1 person

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