Contact Me/Review Policy


*I am currently not accepting book requests as my blog is going through a re-vamp. If you request, you will likely not receive a response*

Feel free to contact me through email. My email is If you are requesting me to review your book, please make sure to read my review policy before emailing me. I will try an respond as soon as I can!

**Please note that this is a book blog, made for reading and reviewing books. I am not here to endorse any products/companies that do not directly reflect books, or the general theme of my blog. Thank you for understanding!


I’m open for reviews from authors, publishers, and publicists. I will accept both physical or an e-book copy (I have a nook), but please do mention which format you would be sending me if I accept your request. I tend to read a variety of novels, but I read mostly from YA with an occasional NA (New Adult) or MG (Middle Grade) book.

The genres I read the most, but not limited to, are:

  • Fantasy
  • Contemporary
  • Historical Fiction
  • Dystopian
  • Science Fiction
  • Paranormal
  • Mythology
  • Fairy Tale Re-tellings

The genres I don’t read are:

  • Non-fiction
  • Autobiographies
  • Mystery/Thriller (I read these atypically)
  • Erotica

My reviews are completely honest and I don’t take in bias into account when reviewing. You can typically expect a summary then followed by my thoughts about the book. My review will typically include my thoughts about the characters, pace, potential/canon relationships, favorite parts, things I didn’t like and a final rating. You can see my rating policy below.

  • 1 star- Likely didn’t finish the book and didn’t like any to not very many aspects of the book.
  • 2 stars- This wasn’t the book for me. There was probably some major issues I had with the book, but not enough to make me (typically) stop reading.
  • 3 stars- It was okay. I probably liked it well enough, but there was aspects that I didn’t particularly enjoy. Most likely won’t re-read.
  • 4 stars- Thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, probably had minors issues that weren’t annoying enough to bother me the entire book.
  • 5 stars- I loved the book. All of the aspects were well done and entertaining while reading and will probably give me a book hangover. I like to re-read these ones because they tend to be my favorite books.

If I deny your request it’s probably because the book you’re asking me to review doesn’t interest me and I don’t believe I would enjoy reading it. However, I will email you back with a short explanation of why I’m denying your request. Please see above for the genres I will most likely accept.

If I accept your request please be prepared to send me a copy, whether it’s digital or physical. Please understand that I might not always be able to review your book right away! Things get busy in life and I don’t always have time for reading. However, feel free to shoot me a reminder email if you would like, those help me get back on track. Please let me know if you have a time frame in which you need to book to be reviewed so I have plenty of time to read and review!

You can also add me on Goodreads.

2 thoughts on “Contact Me/Review Policy

  1. HI, it’s me again.

    I commented on your EoS review 6 months late, and after our brief discussion on that thread, I just really wanted to recommend The Alignment series by Kay Camden. It’s not at all widely known, but I am telling you: IT SHOULD BE. This author deserves to have her work flaunted in the face of the world.

    The Alignment series is a romance-centered urban fantasy. Now let me tell you: I am not ordinarily a fan of anything romance-centered, as it just can’t hold my interest. I’m all about romance, only if and when it’s on the side of an action-centered, action-packed plot.

    But this plot is just ENTIRELY unique. It’s family-oriented and really gets you thinking about nature vs. nurture. Camden’s writing style is tastefully, eloquently simple. Her characters are massively flawed but also incredibly mature. There are plot twists left and right. I read all 4 books (the 5th will be released later this year) in 1 week (each book is 500+ pages), and I was so attached that I immediately reread them.

    I’m an avid reader (I’ve already read 70 books this year), and I’m a bit of a mean critic. BUT THIS SERIES. I can’t express how much I recommend it. People deserve to read this and Kay Camden deserves more recognition.

    It’s a free download on Kindle. Check out the summary for yourself and see if you’re interested!

    Liked by 1 person

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